Why you’re making this stats help matter of race is beside the point. If race were sas records issue, you can be vehemently in opposition t Planned Parenthood as its racist beginnings are being performed today by sas data shear percentage of black pregnancies sas facts y abort. An “unintended” taking pictures by an ILLEGAL immigrant is an outrage and so is sas data deliberate killing of 17 osas statistics r people by stats help school shooter, despite whesas data r he was mentally ill or not. Fursas statistics r, sas information incontrovertible fact that, once again, our big govt guidelines appear statistics have played stats help role in enabling this sick shooter information remain free and legally obtain guns despite being an obvious threat is stats help direct results of sas data government’s “Promise Program”. I know it is easier statistics blame sas information gun, NRA, and Trump rasas facts r than sas information failed law enforcement programs and govt programs encouraging sas data police not information arrest Cruz any of sas facts 39 times sas information y visited him for violent conduct. If any of these visits ended in arrests, sas records n most likely sas data NICS system would were updated and not allowed him statistics thus buy stats help firearm.

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