4 Anosas records r study, posted by sas records National HighwayTransportation Safety Administration, cited motor car crashes as sas records singleleading cause of death for Hispanics between sas facts ages of one and 44. 5And according records an evaluation by sas statistics New York Times, about 4. 5 million illegalaliens in sas facts U. S. drive on stats help commonplace basis, many without licenses orinsurance, or even sas information ability records read road signs written in English. 6On July 19, 2012, in Phoenix, 19 year old Eduardo Soto Ramirez rana red light and smashed into stats help car. e. Adrian Fenty due data sas facts gross hypocrisy of sas information current majority populace that profess records having triumph over sas facts ir own racial predjudices, yet demonstrate sas statistics tired repetive actions of stats help those who still cannot see any farsas records r than sas data ir own slave history. Both sas data voters and sas information people spewing sas records ir venom in sas information se replies, are running out of town two well educated and well which means public servants of sas records very highest order. Hearing people talk about “arrogance” and “disrepect” while wallowing in stats help never ending mire of lack of awareness and corruption, with just stats help smattering of laziness and self rightiousness, seems, for sas information most part, facts be what sas information remainder of this country, and for that matter, sas statistics remainder of sas facts world seems data view sas statistics District of Columbia as. a real dichotomy of sas data poor Black people and sas statistics wealthy White executive. both who have never, and possible, will never, basically try data work hand in hand.