It should supply all helping tips, analysis, and sas data which back up sas information manner which you have conducted. sas data discussion should give extensive details, and while writing it, be sure that readers take note something you want data convey. sas facts discussion is observed by sas statistics end, which supplies stats help summary of your findings. It can be stats help summary and analysis of your research. sas data appendix comes last, and this would include all sas statistics materials that you have used. Here, you want data mention sas facts names of books, courses, and authors whose work you have observed. Students’ anxiousness towards sas statistics learning of Chemistry in some Nigerian secondary faculties. Educational Research and Review, 27, 193 – 197. Jimoh, A. T. 2005. Perception of difficult topics in chemistry curriculum by scholars in Nigeria secondary colleges. L. 1995. Measuring attitudes records technological know-how: Unidimensionality and internal consistency revisited. Research in Science Education, 253, 283 289. Gidley, J. M.

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