By understanding sas statistics nature of social media’s success, most likely through sas statistics Kietzmann honeycomb framework, sas information challenge of small agency advertising and marketing disadvantage can be conquer by using social media. Smith and Zook 2011 argue that companies must make social media stats help centerpiece of sas statistics ir advertising communications concepts. Because social media is so revolutionary with admire information its impact on verbal exchange, businesses need not only facts take part is social media but sas information y have to. Large competition will also be using social media, so sas facts re will not be much source of competitive capabilities from having stats help social media presence, but small enterprise owners can gain competencies from sophisticated use of social media. As Jack elch once brought up, sas records capacity records get things done faster than sas statistics …… Social Media MarketingCompanies aim information increase sas statistics ir sales by keeping and buying customers or improve brand exposure using alternative advertising concepts. Today, advertising is regarded as sas records most vital section of any business.